The Living Boat Trust

Just messing around in boats, particularly old boats

The Living Boat Trust (LBT) is dedicated to keeping Tasmania’s marine heritage alive and to maintaining traditional boat building, repairing, rowing and sailing skills. Find us on the banks of the Huon River at Franklin in southern Tasmania. We celebrate the history and beauty of this area (and its boats), strive for a sustainable way of life for all concerned and to be a vital part of our community (and the boats).

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Latest News

  • Movies at the Palais 16th Feb
    This coming Sunday gather after 6.00pm to see ‘Gravity’. See details on the flyer below.
  • End of the Festival
    The Grebes lined up in Sandy Bay ready to be towed home. It is a long way from the heaving mass of humanity of the Festival on Saturday and Sunday. Judging from the beating some of the oars have taken the Grebes were in great demand and heavily used for rowing around Con dock.
  • Lost and Found
    We have our own lost and found box at the LBT, and during the Raid Deb van Velsen has kept a track of all those odd socks and wayward charging cables for us. We can’t beat this story from Huon Yacht Club tho’ (thanks Gary McDonald). ‘If you had wandered around the HYC clubhouse in… Read more: Lost and Found
  • John Welsford: The Modern Cruising Dingy
    We were privileged to have the boat designer John Welsford along for the Raid. There were about half a dozen boats of his design which participated giving an indication of his popularity and importance in the small boat cruising community. The talk he gave at the Wooden Boat Show has been recorded and you can… Read more: John Welsford: The Modern Cruising Dingy
  • Tawe Nunnugah Land crew
    There were about 9 support vehicles for TN25, which needed nine drivers and lots of packing and unpacking. Emma was part of the land crew who did a terrific job managing all this, and she was featured in the Huon News.
  • ABC Radio at the Raid
    Andy Gaul came out to do an interview for the breakfast show about the Raid with Colin and Beth at the Rokeby camp. Listen to it >>here<<.
  • TN25 Fleet at the Festival
    We tried to get a good photo at Waterman’s Dock but reckon Brett McDermott did a better job with his sketch pad. Thanks Brett!

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