Just messing around in boats, particularly old boats
The Living Boat Trust (LBT) is dedicated to keeping Tasmania’s marine heritage alive and to maintaining traditional boat building, repairing, rowing and sailing skills. Find us on the banks of the Huon River at Franklin in southern Tasmania. We celebrate the history and beauty of this area (and its boats), strive for a sustainable way of life for all concerned and to be a vital part of our community (and the boats).
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Latest News
- First Aid course rescheduled to 14th MarchIt was the 7th, now a week later.
- Need to borrow tents and gear for TN25Remember that two person tent that you bought in a fit enthusiasm years ago which is now languishing at the back of a cupboard? No? Well let us remind you. You can justify that purchase by sharing the love – let one of the land crew for tn25 borrow it. Fill in the form >>here<<.
- Down at the slipyardIt is not only at the LBT that it is all action with last minute preparation of boats for Tawe Nunnugah – the keel boats are also getting hauled out wherever they can find a slip. Brett Doubleday is hard at work on ‘Speck’, next to Richard Forster’s ‘Seastar’ which is having a leak attended… Read more: Down at the slipyard
- Tom and Ocean at workSteve Wilson writes: ‘Tom and Ocean, active LBT Family members, taking on the resurrection of an old donated timber Sabot for the next generation of young Tassy sailors’.
- Ruth Young memorial service live streamThose who are unable to attend this service (Palais Theatre, Thursday 16th, 1pm AEST) can view it on live stream >>here<<.
- Monday night curry night coming upWe’ve had hot steamy weather, so food from the land of hot steamy weather should be good. Madras Curry, Kolkata Chicken Biryani, Karnataka vangi bath, Delhi belly – no, no forget the last. Bring your dish along to share, $5 for the kitty and something to drink after 6pm
- Abel Tasman on the water with a sailJust one so far, but a rig has to start somewhere, and not so long ago there was nothing.
- Tas Met Bureau (BOM)
- Castle Forbes Bay Weather
- Meteye Franklin Forecast
- Meteye text – for phones
- Windy for Franklin
- Tides for Castle Forbes Bay
- WillyWeather tides, wind etc
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