The Living Boat Trust

Just messing around in boats, particularly old boats

The Living Boat Trust (LBT) is dedicated to keeping Tasmania’s marine heritage alive and to maintaining traditional boat building, repairing, rowing and sailing skills. Find us on the banks of the Huon River at Franklin in southern Tasmania. We celebrate the history and beauty of this area (and its boats), strive for a sustainable way of life for all concerned and to be a vital part of our community (and the boats).

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Latest News

  • Viking is leaving the building
    Well, at least she is on the trailer. She has been out of the water for more than 10 years. Brett Doubleday was a witness – both for this event and when Viking last floated.
  • Parquetry Seat
    Pete is constructing a very fancy seat for his surf ski over at the Wooden Boat Centre.
  • Monday night dinner 9th December
    We had our Mediterranean meal this week – who could forget Deb van Velsen’s tiramisu – so we had better pander to the tastes of nostalgic Poms next week and make the menu British. For instance raspberry flummery made with airoplane jelly. Bring your dish, something to drink, and $5 for the kitty after 6pm
  • LBT Christmas Party Monday 23rd December
    Bring a plate and $10 for the music after 6pm. More details to follow. Put it in your diary.
  • Leo Goolden at the Festival
    The most famous boat rebuild on the Internet is that of >>Tally Ho<<, and the man behind it was Leo Goolden who will be giving a symposium at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival. See the details for it, and other symposiums, >>here<<
  • Domestic solar power discussion at the Shed
    Neil Rutt had everybody’s attention as he presented the current ‘lay of the land’ for domestic solar systems. We were particularly impressed with his ability to field the wide range of questions that came in, and respond with sensible (and understandable) recommendations. He stayed for dinner, and we reckon Deb van Velsen’s tiramasu may have… Read more: Domestic solar power discussion at the Shed
  • New rudder for Capricornia
    Jack has been hard at work.

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