(If you want to see everything back to 2013, check out this archive).
- Movies at the Palais 16th FebThis coming Sunday gather after 6.00pm to see ‘Gravity’. See details on the flyer below.
- End of the FestivalThe Grebes lined up in Sandy Bay ready to be towed home. It is a long way from the heaving mass of humanity of the Festival on Saturday and Sunday. Judging from the beating some of the oars have taken the Grebes were in great demand and heavily used for rowing around Con dock.
- Lost and FoundWe have our own lost and found box at the LBT, and during the Raid Deb van Velsen has kept a track of all those odd socks and wayward charging cables for us. We can’t beat this story from Huon Yacht Club tho’ (thanks Gary McDonald). ‘If you had wandered around the HYC clubhouse in… Read more: Lost and Found
- John Welsford: The Modern Cruising DingyWe were privileged to have the boat designer John Welsford along for the Raid. There were about half a dozen boats of his design which participated giving an indication of his popularity and importance in the small boat cruising community. The talk he gave at the Wooden Boat Show has been recorded and you can… Read more: John Welsford: The Modern Cruising Dingy
- Tawe Nunnugah Land crewThere were about 9 support vehicles for TN25, which needed nine drivers and lots of packing and unpacking. Emma was part of the land crew who did a terrific job managing all this, and she was featured in the Huon News.
- ABC Radio at the RaidAndy Gaul came out to do an interview for the breakfast show about the Raid with Colin and Beth at the Rokeby camp. Listen to it >>here<<.
- TN25 Fleet at the FestivalWe tried to get a good photo at Waterman’s Dock but reckon Brett McDermott did a better job with his sketch pad. Thanks Brett!
- Viking high and dryWith the emphasis on high. Viking has been ‘dry’ on the verandah before, but we were crawling around on the ground trying to spot the leaks. The Tuesday group have made sure inspection below the water line will be much easier this time.
- OlgaGreat to see David Pittaway’s Olga out of the shed and on the water. It has been a ten year project – see >>this post<< about Olga from November 2015.
- Parade of Sails 2019 (some nostalgia)A good following breeze helped to make this year’s Parade interesting, a contrast to 2019 when the wind was even stronger and much more on the nose. Two LBT boats featured in the ‘Foul Bottoms’ cartoon for ‘Afloat’ magazine of March that year. The appropriate captions, a bit hard to read in the online edition… Read more: Parade of Sails 2019 (some nostalgia)
- DorieYou may have noticed the nice old motor cruiser ‘Dorie’ sitting on a trailer outside the Wooden Boat Centre. There are more details about the boat from the owner, Will James, >>here<<. If you recognise it Will is keen to find out more. And if you would like to put in an offer Will is… Read more: Dorie
- Monday night dinner – MediterraneanFor those of us who aren’t on the Return Raid and are stuck ashore, Monday night is an opportunity to get together and console ourselves. As usual it is bring a dish, and it should be Mediterranean. Also $5 for the kitty and something to drink. See you after 6pm.
- More TN25 PhotosThanks to TN25 participants who have posted these to the WhatsApp group. No particular order or focus with these.
- Tawe Nunnugah 2025 so far (Monday)Only a week ago Tawe Nunnugah was spread from Franklin to Recherche, with Deb taking registrations at one end and at the other the first arrivals who had left early to take advantage of the wind. Equipment was piling up and the whiteboard was thick with plans. Soon enough the boats were being loaded on… Read more: Tawe Nunnugah 2025 so far (Monday)
- Concert at Southport Feb 1stTom Stevens writes ‘Some entertainment to consider. On Sat Feb 1, the night the raid camps in Dover, the Southport Community Centre (15min away) will be holding a musical event,”Songs from the Barbarian Ship” details below. Tickets @$10 ea are limited and can be purchased via the link below or from the Coffee Rocket when… Read more: Concert at Southport Feb 1st
- Lemons wantedIf you have extra lemons Kate Hoorweg would like them for Tawe Nunnugah. She has left a couple of labelled boxes for the provender at the Shed.
- First Aid CourseNell Tyson writes to First Aid Course participants: ‘You should have received emails from ProMed and ‘Training Desk’ the last few days with details of the online part of the course. Check your spam folder if yòu didn’t get both. After the Raid there is a vague plan for some of us to possibly get… Read more: First Aid Course
- BBQ Monday night Jan 27thThe big build up this coming week is for the welcome dinner for the Tawe Nunnugah raiders on Tuesday night, but of course it is still a great idea to bring some BBQ fair to eat and share on Monday night. See you after 6pm – bring something to drink and $5 for the kitty.
- First Aid course rescheduled to 14th MarchIt was the 7th, now a week later.
- Need to borrow tents and gear for TN25Remember that two person tent that you bought in a fit enthusiasm years ago which is now languishing at the back of a cupboard? No? Well let us remind you. You can justify that purchase by sharing the love – let one of the land crew for tn25 borrow it. Fill in the form >>here<<.
- Down at the slipyardIt is not only at the LBT that it is all action with last minute preparation of boats for Tawe Nunnugah – the keel boats are also getting hauled out wherever they can find a slip. Brett Doubleday is hard at work on ‘Speck’, next to Richard Forster’s ‘Seastar’ which is having a leak attended… Read more: Down at the slipyard
- Tom and Ocean at workSteve Wilson writes: ‘Tom and Ocean, active LBT Family members, taking on the resurrection of an old donated timber Sabot for the next generation of young Tassy sailors’.
- Ruth Young memorial service live streamThose who are unable to attend this service (Palais Theatre, Thursday 16th, 1pm AEST) can view it on live stream >>here<<.
- Monday night curry night coming upWe’ve had hot steamy weather, so food from the land of hot steamy weather should be good. Madras Curry, Kolkata Chicken Biryani, Karnataka vangi bath, Delhi belly – no, no forget the last. Bring your dish along to share, $5 for the kitty and something to drink after 6pm
- Abel Tasman on the water with a sailJust one so far, but a rig has to start somewhere, and not so long ago there was nothing.
- Freezer clean out NOWFor many offices defrosting the fridge and disposing of all leftovers that people have forgotten they stored there is an annual ritual. At the LBT it is biennial – when Kate needs the space for Tawe Nunnugah tucker. Now it the hour. If you have anything stored in the freezer remove it, or have it… Read more: Freezer clean out NOW
- Castle Forbes Bay Festival 18-19 JanAt the oval: see flyer below for details.
- Ruth Young memorial service: more informationSuzan Young writes:‘Thursday’s gathering (16th, 1pm) for Ruth will now be a funeral with casket present. In the Franklin Palais tradition, we’d be most grateful if people could bring a plate to share afterwards. Just simple afternoon tea things like sandwiches or a slice to have with tea and coffee as we share memories of… Read more: Ruth Young memorial service: more information
- Frigin’ with the rigin’It is a good sign that boats are mostly in shape when you can start looking aloft at shrouds and sheets and sails.
- Abel Tasman is in the water!After months, and a lot of work, in the Shed, we took advantage of having a large crew of boat lifters on Monday night to get the scout boat out the door and into the reeds where she can take up. Pic below shows that crew taking a breather – they needed it! Abel Tasman… Read more: Abel Tasman is in the water!
- Monday night dinner 13th JanWe are in luck! Lisa and JP are cooking for us. Main: Vietnamese rice paper roll with roast pork + etc; sushi hand roll with chicken + etc;Main vegetarian: steamed rice, stir fried vegetables. Dessert: Belgium waffle and cream Now there is a multicultural mix for you! Come after 6pm, with $20 and something to… Read more: Monday night dinner 13th Jan
- Down at the ShedIt may only have been the second day of 2025 but Tuesday was as busy as it ever is, particularly preparing for Tawe Nunnugah. Lots of paint was being spread around, flotation cut and bagged, the carpentry tools out, and the sludge gun doing sterling service bogging up any suspicious looking holes and crevices. Few… Read more: Down at the Shed
- Monday night dinner: 6th JanuaryFirst time we have used 2025 in the meal calendar. British it is – plenty of scope there. Bring a course to share, something to drink, and $5 for the kitty after 6pm. Pic from WIkimedia
- Rot never sleepsNeil and Matty G have been hard at work fixing Billie, replacing the bad bits in a rib and planks.
- Listen to a tribute to Ruth YoungMartin Riddle was asked by ABC radio for a tribute to Ruth Young, which was broadcast on the breakfast show 31st January. Listen to it >>here<<.
- Ruth Young Memorial Service 16th JanuarySuzan Young writes: ‘Most of the local boat and broader Franklin community will have heard by now that Ruth Young passed away late on Christmas Eve. We know she was very much loved and respected for her kindness, wisdom, humour and courage and her significant contributions to this community. We’ll all miss her very much.… Read more: Ruth Young Memorial Service 16th January
- Wanting to borrow: camping equipmentIt is the countdown to Tawe Nunnugah, and all those details that have been put off whilst we deal with the big issues now have to be retrieved from under the carpet. One of these details is providing somewhere to sleep for our land based volunteers. We are chasing SMALL TENTS, SLEEPING BAGS an SLEEPING… Read more: Wanting to borrow: camping equipment
- Latest from the FestivalThe Christmas newsletter is out: read it >>here<<. One of the items is about Sailability. See pic below with a familiar figure waving to us from the back of the boat.
- Vale Ruth YoungPip Gowen writes: ‘Our dear Ruth died at 11.50pm Christmas Eve. She was surrounded by family, comfortable and passed peacefully in her sleep. We think, although don’t know details yet, that family are planning a celebration of Ruth’s amazing life at the Palais Theatre. Will pass on details when we hear. Photos. If anyone has… Read more: Vale Ruth Young
- Living Boat Trust activities into the new yearThe Shed is always open (to those who have the access code). Monday night dinners continue – maybe there will be a smaller crew, maybe a larger. This Monday is a BRING YOUR OWN BARBEQUE, usual drill. Tuesday work group resumes on JANUARY 7TH.
- Santa came to the LBT!Pics from the Christmas party below, just to prove it. Thanks to Endra for organising a great event. Pics from Celia and Nell
- Vale Ea LassenEa Lassen has died at her home in Stryno in Denmark. Those who have been a involved with the Living Boat Trust and the Wooden Boat Centre hardly need reminding what a vital part of our community she and her family were during the ten or so years that they (and Yukon) spent with us… Read more: Vale Ea Lassen
- Christmas RowingLorrie Harrison writes: Once again congratulations to those courageous rowers prepared to take on the challenge of the “Classic Clinker Dinghy Race” and the “Ruth Young Race”.Both races were held on Friday 20 Dec as a taster to the Rowers and Friend’s lunch.Glenys Bounty once again won the “Ruth Young” race, rowing the Black Swan… Read more: Christmas Rowing
- Franklin’s own Christmas windowIf you are traveling through Franklin in the evening it is worth dropping in to see the beautiful Christmas tableau set up by the Tubmans in their verandah window, although you might have to elbow aside the children to get a good view. Brings back memories of Myers or David Jones.
- St Ayles Skiff Association NewsRead the newsletter >>here<<.
- The old and the newIt may seem like a dog’s breakfast, but this picture is a beautiful thing. What we are looking at is the properly piled pontoon with new gangway beside the old gangway and pontoon, which is now redundant. All we need is for the ‘T’ piece to go on the end, the sleeve for one of… Read more: The old and the new
- Camp Support for Tawe NunnugahWe are looking for extra land support crew for TN25, both the ‘Long’ Raid (29th Jan – 7th Feb) and the Return Raid (10th-14th Feb). For those of us who have participated in the past we know that it is hard work but also, for many people, a unique opportunity. How else do you travel… Read more: Camp Support for Tawe Nunnugah
- LBT Christmas Party Monday 23rd DecemberCome along after 6pm with a plate and $10 to join the festivities. BBQ if you want to. Special guests, music. It is all a surprise.
- Wooden Boat Centre BuoysWooden buoys used to be a thing, as we reported on our Tamar trip. The Wooden Boat Centre, in conjunction with global data company CLS Oceania, are reviving the idea, as described in >>this ABC news item<<.
- “The Rat” Resurrected!Steve Wilson writes: ‘Light on wind, Sails full of enthusiasm! Thnx Ryan great work 😎👍’
- End of year Regatta 20 DecemberLorrie Harrison has sent this invitation to the ‘Annual End of Year Lunch for Rowers and Friends‘ This year we can start with 2 racesRoger Harwood – open, you might need to bring your own boat.Ruth Young – female rowersRegistration at 9am – find LorrieRaces start at 9:30amSupporters can also rowThen enjoy lunchBYO food and… Read more: End of year Regatta 20 December
- Curry night on Monday: bring your ownAnd about time too – nothing beats a good curry – unless it is a good south east asian dessert. Bring along either on Monday night, along with something to drink and $5 for the kitty. If you totally lack inspiration or time bring $20 and with a bit of luck we will feed you.
- Saw stop table saw coming to the LBTJP writes: ‘I am pleased to announce that the LBT was successful in obtaining $5,000 for a SawStop table saw, in round 28 of the National Shed Development Programme administered through the Australian Men’s Shed Association. This handy table saw (see picture) could one day save someone’s finger(s) as it has an inbuilt mechanism to… Read more: Saw stop table saw coming to the LBT
- Working bee THIS SATURDAY 14th December at the ShedThe weather was VERY unkind last week, limiting what could be done, and we really need to get things moving along with the Tawe Nunnugah fleet. Please come along this Saturday after 10am to help out. It should be fun!
- Farewell Paul FrostThe LBT is losing one of its champions. Paul Frost is headed back to Queensland – the call of family has proved too much. Whilst muttering expletives under our collective breath (how could he abandon us?) we bade him farewell in style this week. We have been very lucky with our Tuesday Group coordinators. Glynn… Read more: Farewell Paul Frost
- Draft Minutes for 28th November 2024Find the minutes for the committee meeting >>here<<
- Viking is leaving the buildingWell, at least she is on the trailer. She has been out of the water for more than 10 years. Brett Doubleday was a witness – both for this event and when Viking last floated.
- Parquetry SeatPete is constructing a very fancy seat for his surf ski over at the Wooden Boat Centre.
- Monday night dinner 9th DecemberWe had our Mediterranean meal this week – who could forget Deb van Velsen’s tiramisu – so we had better pander to the tastes of nostalgic Poms next week and make the menu British. For instance raspberry flummery made with airoplane jelly. Bring your dish, something to drink, and $5 for the kitty after 6pm
- LBT Christmas Party Monday 23rd DecemberBring a plate and $10 for the music after 6pm. More details to follow. Put it in your diary.
- Leo Goolden at the FestivalThe most famous boat rebuild on the Internet is that of >>Tally Ho<<, and the man behind it was Leo Goolden who will be giving a symposium at the Australian Wooden Boat Festival. See the details for it, and other symposiums, >>here<<
- Domestic solar power discussion at the ShedNeil Rutt had everybody’s attention as he presented the current ‘lay of the land’ for domestic solar systems. We were particularly impressed with his ability to field the wide range of questions that came in, and respond with sensible (and understandable) recommendations. He stayed for dinner, and we reckon Deb van Velsen’s tiramasu may have… Read more: Domestic solar power discussion at the Shed
- New rudder for CapricorniaJack has been hard at work.
- LBT Working Bee Saturday Dec 7thStarting 10am The focus of this activity will be fixing up the Tawe Nunnugah boats, following on from the very productive session we held a month ago. A reminder to everybody that Tawe Nunnugah is the major event that we run, central to the successful operation of the Living Boat Trust.
- Sailing Grebes on Friday afternoonJP (the prez) writes: ‘there were a dozen sailers on the river in 4 Grebes and the last oneswere still going 3h after the start. A mixed crowed of LBT and WBC. Whatfun!’ Pics from JP and Steve Wilson. Next session: after 3pm next Friday.
- Around the ShedDennis Muscovich is working on mark 2 of a sampson post for Monty. Mark 1 got a bit skinny. Jenny Avery has finished the boat cover for 5 Bells. Just to keep life interesting she included provision for the mast, which made the job much trickier, but it does mean we can keep the boat… Read more: Around the Shed
- Pontoon landing pouredThe concrete is dried, there are no paw prints, and if you had plans to add your initials you are too late. We are waiting on the sleeve for the second pile before the pontoon can be tied up in its final position, and for the gangway to arrive.
- Scruffie build for saleFrom Daniel Smith. I am writing to you regarding an unfinished project boat of my fathers located in NW Tasmania. Unfortunately he has recently passed away leaving an unfinished 20-foot gaff cutter rigged trailer sailer, ply kit build, designed and supplied by Derek Ellard at Scruffie Marine (https://www.scruffie.com/secret20.html). The family is looking for someone to… Read more: Scruffie build for sale
- Monday night dinner: spanakopita and tiramisuAnd as a special concession they will be served as different courses and with different side dishes. No need to bring your own this coming Monday, just $20 and something to drink. See you after 6pm.
- Armchair Dinghy Sailors CornerJoin Geoff McQueen and Matt Conboy sailing around Tasman Peninsula in >>this video<<
- When to start sailingIs there an age limit? According to the evidence of >>this video<< , spotted by Endra O’May, you are never too young.
- Thank you Brian WalpoleWe hate to admit it, but creaking joints get us all in the end. They have done for Brian’s involvement in the On The Water program, where he has been supervising youthful crews in the Grebe dinghies for more years than he cares to admit. He is going to have stick to more commodious boats… Read more: Thank you Brian Walpole
- Launch of ‘Nunganah’ Canoe Monday 25th NovemberJilly Archer points out that SETAC (South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Community) are launching a newly built canoe – see flyer. We were interested in the name. Is ‘Tawe Nunnugah’ (‘to go by canoe’) controversial? We know that John Young went to some lengths at the time to get it right. Locals may want to contact… Read more: Launch of ‘Nunganah’ Canoe Monday 25th November
- Book launch Sunday November 24Those who are not coming along on the Wooden Boat Guild Picnic Cruise might instead like to attend this event, with the notable authors of the book which is the feature including our own David Hume (not to mention Bob Brown, Matthew Evans etc). More information >>here<<. Could be a stocking filler.
- Progress on the pontoon pilesThere has been a lot of action on the waterfront, and our pontoon should be piled very shortly.
- Progress on ‘Abel Tasman’The keel has been fixed, the antifoul applied, the finishing touches put to the paint, and a new mast constructed. Derwent Sea Scouts, the original home for Abel Tasman, very kindly allowed us to have a poke around in their loft for suitable sails, and we found a couple. We hope to come to an… Read more: Progress on ‘Abel Tasman’
- Monday night BBQ coming upWe were privileged to have Kate cook for us this week, next week we need to shift for ourselves and a jolly good thing to or we would all get insufferably spoilt. Bring something for the hotplate, something to share, something to drink and $5 for the kitty.
- LBT Committee Meeting 28th NovemberThere is a draft agenda >>here<<. If you have business you would like addressed send it to sec@lbt.org.au.
- Get a free trip on Nancy 24th NovemberBrian Marriott has the new batteries in Nancy working (yay!) and her first run will be over to Cradoc taking part in the Wooden Boat Guild Excursion. Book yourself in on the Nancy home page >>here<<. Numbers limited: first eight get a guernsey.
- Some Franklin Boat HistoryMany of us have seen the remains of the old wooden boats, the Skip Jack and the Taruna, just downstream from the Egg Island Canal at Cradoc. Andrew Perkins has supplied us with some history notes written by Graham Broxam – get them >>here<<. This would be good background reading if you intend being part… Read more: Some Franklin Boat History
- Good news from KateWe were hoping Kate Hoorweg would make it back from Port Davey in time to cook Monday night dinner, and she is optimistic. She writes: We got stuck a day but just into signal now, and yes thank you, I am right for Monday, looking forward to it! Just checked the weather, looks cold, let’s… Read more: Good news from Kate
- Solar power session Monday 2nd DecemberNOTE THAT THIS EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FROM 25TH NOVEMBER Martin Riddle writes: Solar curious? Or just solar confused? If you have looked in to going solar you will know that there’s a confusing amount of information out there. The challenge is to sort the wheat from the chaff. While talking with Neil Rutt from… Read more: Solar power session Monday 2nd December
- Monday night: Kate cookingWe hope. We are anxiously watching the weather to see if Windeward Bound can bring her back from Port Davey in time. Right now, on Friday morning, they would not be wanting to rely on sail, but if they are under motor it is fairly calm. If there is no Kate, then mystery cook! Come… Read more: Monday night: Kate cooking
- Picnic cruise with Wooden Boat Guild November 24Andrew Perkins writes: ‘Hi all, the annual Huon River trip is on November 24, something different this year! The plan is to depart the Franklin Boat Ramp at 10 am and transit the Egg Island Canal and travel south approx. 1 NM to the site of the wrecks of the Skipjack and Torana. There is… Read more: Picnic cruise with Wooden Boat Guild November 24
- Glenelg River RaidFrom Lorrie: This upcoming Raid in Victoria could be exactly what you are looking for. A long row over a few days down a gentle river with rowers from other clubs. One boat will be made available for LBT members and there may be a few places on other boats as well. We do need… Read more: Glenelg River Raid
- Some pics from the working beeJudging from these Basil did most of the work.
- On the WaterIf you were in Franklin last Friday you might have noticed a small knot of students gathered on the LBT lawn. They were there to receive instruction on rowing from Warwick Amundsen prior to heading out in the boats. Must have been a success, ‘cos none of them drowned. The program will continue until the… Read more: On the Water
- A beautiful sightThe pile driver to put in the posts for our downstream pontoon has arrived!
- Monday Curry Night coming upThe decision was made by acclamation last Monday – and what the people want is what the people will get. Bring along a dish of your best south east Asian tucker to share, something to drink and $5 for the kitty, after 6pm.
- Working Bee/Open Day Saturday 9thA reminder that this day is coming up – TOMORROW, starting 10am. We are running it in conjunction with the Wooden Boat Centre and there has been quite a splash made about it – see for instance the pic from the Huon News below. Come along and and lend a hand – there will be… Read more: Working Bee/Open Day Saturday 9th
- Peter LaidlawThere is a nice item in the Huon News recognising Pete’s time as president. In the meantime Pete is still well and truly around, wrangling boats and pontoons amongst other things.
- Draft Minutes for LBT Committee meeting 31st OctFind them >>here<<.
- Open Day and Working Bee 9th NovemberOur prez writes: 9th November 10h00 to 15h00 as part of the Wooden Boat Centre Community Open Day, the LBT will have a:
- The Tawe Nunnugah fleet in Waterman’s DockNice to see the picture below getting featured in the Wooden Boat Festival News, even though the accompanying story has nothing to do with it.
- New president at workSteve Wilson took these snaps of progress on the scout boat, which is having its keel reinforced. We believe the feet belong to Jack Witte.
- Monday night: grubs up and it’s BritishIt is not quite strawberries and cream time but we can start to think about it. November already – can that be right? On Monday evening after 6pm bring along your favourite British dish, $5 for the kitty and something to drink.
- Keep those Grebes pointing outHere is a fine sight: the Grebes tied up in the boat shed with their sterns TO THE DOCK. The problem with having them the other way around is that their bows get caught under the dock at the change of tide and the chainplate (to take the forestay) gets damaged or ripped off.
- Tamar Trip (October 2024)Of course down here on the Huon we know that we are blessed with the best rowing waters in the universe, but, just to check, last weekend a group headed out to see if the Tamar (on the north coast) could in any way compare. Without conceding too much we have to admit that it… Read more: Tamar Trip (October 2024)
- BBQ Monday nightYep, it is the last week in the month, so barbecue time again. A quick check of the BBQ cookbooks on the shelf suggest the possibilities for side dishes are endless, so take your pick. See you after 6pm with something to drink and $5 for the kitty.
- Buoys for Antarctica‘Vessels’ come in all shapes and sizes. Over at the Wooden Boat Centre Jack is working on some seagoing buoys which will be loaded up with (small) scientific instruments and a transmitter and cast adrift in the currents down south, to end up who knows where?