In a departure from previous years, tn25, RR25 and the Welcome Dinner in Franklin will all be ‘Facilitated BYO’. Facilitated?? – If you don’t have your own transport, we will help you get to a bottleshop before departure and will organise runs to re-stock along the way. Once again Rob and Judy have kindly offered their van to carry bar stocks during the Raid and the old refrigerated food trailer will be used to keep drinks cold. This year we have hired in a more ergonomic refrigerated trailer for food – whatever you do, DO NOT put your drinks in the food trailer – constant opening for just another beer compromises the food and the wrath of the food gods is fast and terrifying.
Please do not over-stock with drinks – there will be opportunities to buy in more if you run short and no doubt some people will have excess for trade towards the end. I suggest no more than a cartoon of beer/cider etc and/or half a dozen bottles of wine to start. With 120 people that’s still a lot of grog. Here’s an idea to discourage those who feel the need to have plenty in reserve – what if any leftovers at the end of the Raid become the property of the LBT?? And please don’t hide a spare cartoon in your personal bags as these need to be lifted on and off the trucks at every camp site. The move to BYO is because licencing for a travelling roadshow such as the Raid is a bureaucratic nightmare and keeping tabs of bar accounts creates an enormous amount of work for very little return.