Lorrie Harrison writes:
Once again congratulations to those courageous rowers prepared to take on the challenge of the “Classic Clinker Dinghy Race” and the “Ruth Young Race”.
Both races were held on Friday 20 Dec as a taster to the Rowers and Friend’s lunch.
Glenys Bounty once again won the “Ruth Young” race, rowing the Black Swan around Rat Island and back, a distance of 3.5km, it took 31min 07sec of hard rowing. She was closely followed by Sussie Nicholls, Melissa Ward and Cath de Boer.
Warwick Amundsen for the second time won the “Classic Clinker Dingy Race”, rowing just a bit further at 4.5km. His secret weapon was Matt’s Boat, which has always won, it may have different rowers but it comes in first. Warwick was followed very closely by Will and then J.P.
Lunch was enjoyed under the veranda, a celebration of the years rowing. Special guests were Phillip Young, Ruth and John’s son and our founders of the LBT, Pip Gown and Chris Burke.
For us all the emotional tribute to Ruth Young was our take away memory.
Thanks especially to Neil Eaason, our safety boat operator and Poppy Payne the photographer who is visiting us from Totnes in the UK.
More photos >>here<<