Phil Woodgate (skipper of Capricornia on TN23) writes:
You may be interested in the following from our tn23 fleet doctor Anne and her fellow tn23 sailor/sister/nurse Helen who are both presently on “Yukon”. They sent me an update from Sardinia on Tuesday 23 May, in which Anne wrote:
“We have made it from Sicily to Sardinia. Not very good weather coming across so we are spending today recovering. Luckily the sun is shining. We are in Porto San Paulo & will head north & through the Boniface Straits & towards Majorca. One week to go!”
Anne & Helen will leave Yukon in Majorca. Anne joined Yukon in Djibouti, at the southern end of the Red Sea and will have been on board for 70 odd days when she disembarks. They managed to see something of Sudan before the recent conflict started. Helen joined Yukon in Crete.