Soft Options – lbt

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Soft Options

posted Dec 3, 2014, 2:57 PM by Unknown user   [ updated Dec 3, 2014, 2:57 PM]

From Ros Barnett: 
‘We have found in the past that some softies like to take a break from tent life about half way along the route, and book themselves into a B&B or a pub for a night of comfort.  Personally, I think opting for a shower and sheets half way through an adventure is absolutely permissible. Monday, 2nd February, is a great night to do just that.  Call David Gunton at Hotel Bruny on 6293 1148  and he can find you a comfortable room a short distance from our camp site so you won’t miss out on dinner and fun.  Don’t forget to tell him you are with the raid. ‘