Simpson’s Bay – lbt

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Simpson’s Bay

posted Nov 30, 2014, 2:08 PM by Unknown user   [ updated Dec 3, 2014, 2:50 PM]

From Ros Barnett:

‘Peter Laidlawvisited the most amazing property on BrunyIsland this week to assess potentialcamp sites and found a pearler in Simpsons Bay.

The cove is rocky but sheltered, with deep water notfar from the beach.  There is a magnificent grassy slope that flattens outfor the camp site, with a sheltering hill behind that offers a gobsmacking viewto anyone willing to invest in a walk to the top.  You can see Fluted Cape,The Neck, and Cape Queen Elizabeth on one side and a great chunk of the Channelon the other.  It is miles from the nearest dwelling or sealed road, andthe land is all under a nature conservancy covenant.  We will really beable to spread the tents out at this site.  Snorers will be banished tothe far side of the gully.


The fleet will be welcomed ashore by a huge mob of BennettsWallabies, and birdlife including masses of swallows, pardalotes and parrots.  Itis a fabulous new location to add into our raid.