Day 3: Dover to Alonnah – lbt

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Day 3: Dover to Alonnah

posted Feb 1, 2015, 9:32 PM by Unknown user   [ updated Feb 1, 2015, 10:13 PM]

After a great night at the Far South Camp atDover, (with more great food thanks to new cook Daniel) the fleet left earlyon a beautiful summer-like morning. It was so amazing to see the sunagain!  As this was not going tolast, there had to be a quick get-away since the next front was due at noon.  The sail across to Bruny was great –perfect sailing weather – until the front arrived on cue. The last few kms werea little bumpy but nothing compared to the seas we had to contend with comingfrom Recherche. The rowers, found it a little messy approaching SatelliteIsland but all got in safely and were treated to the sight of Boxer bearingdown on us under her huge sails though she only had a fraction of her sailsup.   Some yachts chose the stay off Satellite Isand won’t be coming ashore and a bus load of  folk went off the visit the Bligh Museum at Adventure Bay.Camping near the pub should make for a happy evening and set us up for anotherearly start to Simpson’s Bay tomorrow

Nell Tyson

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