Category Expeditions

Overnight sailing and rowing away from Franklin and the immediate towns.

Solar for ‘Raid’ boats?

Solar for ‘Raid’ boats?

Small Craft Advisor has a nice article about how steady improvements in solar technology over the last decade has made this technology much more practical for use in small boats. Read all about it here. If this really takes off…

South Passage

South Passage

There is a nice article in Southern Wooden Boat Sailing about the sail training ship ‘South Passage’. It is by her skipper Phil Woodgate, who was in charge on Capricornia for the last Tawe Nunnugah. Read it here.

Boating in Finland

Boating in Finland

In response to our recent post about the Swedish Post Race (‘The Swedish Tawe Nunnugah?‘) we have received this very alluring description of ‘Small boating in a small part of the Finish Coast’ from Mark Pearse. Thanks Mark! I am…

The Swedish Tawe Nunnugah?

The Swedish Tawe Nunnugah?

Gary McDonald is entertaining himself these cold Tasmanian winter days by browsing YouTube, and came up with this delightful video of the ‘Mail boat Race across the Aland (Baltic) Sea’. Apparently in the old days the job of carrying the…