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Yukon News
posted Sep 30, 2014, 2:42 PM by Unknown user [ updated Sep 30, 2014, 2:47 PM]
From David Nash.
‘We are all well up in Sydney Town, although it’s very loud at night and our location in Darling Harbour is a bit like being in a mosh pit at a pop festival. We are doing 2 daytrips a day and bookings are reasonable to good. Our passage across Bass Strait was a corker with Yukon clocking a near record 9.5 knots with a double reefed main single reefed square and jib. The old girl behaved and impressed us all with her ability to cope with 40 knots plus westerlies we logged 166 in 24 …must be her North Sea Roots kicking in. we had on the nose northerlies after that which drank up a bit of diesel (swings and roundabouts). We reached Port Hacking on schedule to embark ANSTO staff and guests for a day of 3 hour trips and talks regarding trawling for micro plastics . In all we have collected data from 11 trawls on our passage north.
All hands were treated to a VIP tour by our on board scientist and member of Yukon’s Starboard watch Dr Richard Banati of the ANSTO facility at Lucas Heights including the New Particle accelerator and main reactor , fascinating stuff and a learning experience for us all. I believe he is talking to Fran Kelly this morning on RN.
We head home to peaceful Franklin on the 13th of Oct and are due to arrive on the 21st oct 1600. We still have spaces for those that want do a Sydney Hobart Yukon style .’
Peaceful Franklin?? We are offended.
