Changes at the Wooden Boat Centre – lbt

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Changes at the Wooden Boat Centre

posted Oct 8, 2020, 6:37 PM by Posts Editor

From the WBC:
‘After consulting with WorkSafe Tasmania, Dept of Health and our Insurer we have now put measures in place coming up to the opening of borders, effective today 09.10.20 we are asking that all visitors to the WBC, regardless of their business MUST now Enter via the FRONT DOOR – SIGN IN, and then if access to the workshop is required, you must be escorted by a staff member.  There maybe occasions when access will be denied – as we have to protect our staff and students and volunteers.  The other issue that has been brought up, our tools and equipment can only be used by those who have been accredited to do so, and signed off by one of our shipwrights.  Thank you for your co-operation in keeping our students, staff and volunteers safe.’
