Building a replica of the 1803 Schooner ‘Independence’ – lbt

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Building a replica of the 1803 Schooner ‘Independence’

posted Jul 3, 2021, 2:45 AM by Posts Editor   [ updated Jul 3, 2021, 2:46 AM]

As Endra and Richard continue their mainland adventures, they have taken time to send us titbits of their boaty discoveries. It seems that down at The Wharf, Tangara Drive, American River, on Kangaroo Island, SA, a volunteer team is building a full-size, seagoing replica of the first sailing vessel ever constructed in South Australia.

The original 1803 Schooner ‘Independence’ was constructed by American sealers as their ship the the 100-ton Union had poor maneuverability in the smaller bays. The smaller Independance allowed the sealers to continue their work. Records show that after performing a number of voyages including delivering sealskins to Sydney the Independance  was lost in waters off the Antipodes Island Group, southeast of New Zealand in 1805.

82 year old Tony Klieve and an intrepid band of retirees are now nearing the finish of the replica build and some, 216 years later, the Independence is again taking shape on the shores of American River and the men involved have had to use as much craftsmanship and ingenuity as the crew of the Union to get it done.

Its a great story, not just for the interesting history but also as a testament to the dreams and perseverance to realise that dream of building a replica.
Much more details can be found at their website >>here<<