Crew for Seniors Week (October 15-21) – lbt

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Crew for Seniors Week (October 15-21)

posted Sep 17, 2018, 3:20 PM by Posts Editor   [ updated Oct 4, 2018, 9:48 PM]

It has very quickly become a tradition that Seniors Week is the busiest time of the year for Nancy.  And why not?  A trip on the river followed by a cuppa in the Shed makes for an afternoon well spent by anybody, including we seniors.  A good time is had by all, and we always get very good feedback.  This year looks like being no different: the bookings are coming in at a healthy rate.  All we need is some more crew.  Have a look at the calendar on the crew page to look for gaps ( then book yourself in using the form on this page, or directly at (