‘Playback’: yet another great LBT event – lbt

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‘Playback’: yet another great LBT event

posted Sep 5, 2021, 3:14 PM by Posts Editor   [ updated Sep 5, 2021, 3:29 PM]

On Sunday morning, after an epic cleanup, the only evidence of what had been a special night was this soon to be erased blackboard (pic below).  It was a reminder of all the other great events and activities that have come and gone over the past year: who remembers the Maritime Trail, the Open Day, the Lake Pedder Raid, Tawe Nunnugah, Swiftsure Regatta, the excursion with the Wooden Boat Guild, long tables on the lawn on summer Monday evenings, and the list goes on and on.  What a busy little organisation!
All of which is not to diminish this particular evening.  For nearly everybody watching ‘Playback Theatre’ was something very new, and we were not disappointed.  The ability of the acting troupe to take a story from the audience and improvise on it without any preparation was astounding, often very funny and, as often, moving.  Thank you to them.  We are spoilt with community meals in Franklin, so the cooks had a high bar to clear which they did with Olympian elan.  And the music provided by Terry Mead, David Pittaway and the Gadds topped things off.  

Other than those mentioned above there were far to many people to thank individually except for one, Endra O’May.  She put the whole show together, and was ringmistress for the evening keeping the rest of us organised and racing around putting her finger in the occasional leaking dyke.  And serving the dessert – pic below.